Keynote Speakers (old)


Cornelia Schaurecker
Global Group Director AI and Big Data - Vodafone Group

"Value Generation through Artificial Intelligence and Big Data"

Practical examples and selected use cases from the field of agile international high performance teams in the telecom and automotive industry.

Career Profile

Cornelia Schaurecker, Vodafone Group‘s Global Big Data and AI Director is an experienced Manager with a long term experience in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digitisation, as well as Automotive Digital, Data and IT topics. She is widely recognized in the industry, e.g. appointed TOP 100 2020 and 2021 by Data IQ and by Global TOP 100 Data Visionaries. Cornelia is passionate about People, Data and Innovation, setting up and leading international agile high-performance teams, sustainable innovations and thus making a fast and sustainable impact for the business in large scale international organizations. At Vodafone, she is in charge of the Big Data and AI Teams on Group and Market level (> 250 team members in approx. 20 markets), as well as the AI 2025 Strategy and implementation. In addition, she is member of the global Advisory Board to the CEO and Supervisory Board of CapGemini. Before this Cornelia has worked for BMW Group, where she was responsible as Vice President of IT Region EMEA, in charge for all IT of the BMW AG in all National Sales Companies and BMW Financial Service Companies (Bank) in Europe as well as Middle East and South Africa (equivalent to CIO EMEA). Previously, she worked in Senior IT Management and Digitisation roles within AUDI AG and the VW Group (12 premium car brands) for 19 years, where she for instance co-founded and led the Volkswagen Group Data Lab for all >10 Volkswagen Group brands. In the Data:Lab, she built innovative Use Cases in the areas of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Connectivity and Internet of Things (IOT). She worked with all relevant brands as well as with leading tech companies from Silicon Valley, Israel and Europe, leading universities, research institutes and start-ups. The mission: Turning Data into Business Value, building a high performance Data Science Team, detecting and testing the latest use cases and technologies and transforming them into tangible business benefit, experiencing and learning fast, and scaling up results, and thus leveraging the value of Data for the entire Volkswagen Group. Cornelia studied Commercial Sciences in Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and holds a master’s degree in International Economics from the Swedish Business School in Helsinki, where she focused on Digitalisation, eCommerce and International Business. In addition, she has done the Oxford Artificial Intelligence Programme.

Mario Drobics, Center for Digital Safety & Security

Mario Drobics
Head Competence Unit - Cooperative Digital Technologies - AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

"Enabling the Circular Economy using Smart Data"

To transform our economy from a linear to a circular one, information is a key enabling element. By collecting data about resources, materials and products along their life-cycle, we can provide the foundation for their targeted and efficient reuse. Thus ensuring, that energy consumption is reduced, materials are efficiently utilized and product lifecycles are extended. In this talk we will outline, how the combination of IoT, smart data spaces and AI can contribute to this vision and what challenges are still ahead.

Career Profile

Mario Drobics is head of the competence unit for Cooperative Digital Technologies at AIT. He has a PhD in Applied Mathematics and was area manager for knowledge-based technologies at Software Competence Center Hagenberg and associate professor at the Institute for Medical Statistics and Informatics of the Medical University Vienna. He has been working on data analytics and IoT systems for more than twenty years and coordinated a broad range of industrial research projects.


Mario Meir-Huber
Head of Data - Uniqa Insurance Group AG

"The Data Mesh"

Data handling saw 3 major developments: the first one was focused on relational Databases. The second revolution was around the data lake, which gave us the promise to handle more data with higher efficiency. But in the first 2 developments, we never thought about the users of data: the business. Now, a new revolution is coming in - the Data Mesh. The Data Mesh has the potential to disrupt how we use data. It isn't a technology or a tool - it is a concept. A concept that brings data where it is being used: in the business. Thus, the focus of the Data Mesh is about generating business value, rather than creating technical platforms that are complex. Join this talk to learn more about the data mesh.

Career Profile

Mario Meir-Huber is the Head of Data of Uniqa Insurance Group. In his role, Mario leads the group strategy on data together with a team of senior experts in this field. Next to his professional career, Mario is a frequent international speaker, writes articles about the topic and published several books and e-books on that. You can view his blog on:


Allan Hanbury
Professor of Data Intelligence - Institute of Information Systems Engineering - Technical University of Vienna

"Open Science with Closed Data"

Various commercial and non-commercial organisations collect data in their day-to-day business that can be used to answer interesting research questions, often related to critical issues in health, society and economy. This data is however often not available for use in research, for good reasons including privacy and commercial secrecy. I give examples of how access has been provided to such data for researchers, in particular in the domains of health and mobile communication.

Career Profile

Allan Hanbury is Professor for Data Intelligence, head of the E-Commerce Research Unit, and Vice Dean of Academic Affairs for Business Informatics in the Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien, Austria. He is also faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna. He was scientific coordinator of the EU-funded Khresmoi Project on medical and health information search and analysis, and is co-founder of contextflow, the spin-off company commercialising the radiology image search technology developed in the Khresmoi project. He is coordinator of DoSSIER, a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network, educating 15 doctoral students on domain-specific systems for information extraction and retrieval. He also coordinated the EU-funded VISCERAL project on evaluation of algorithms on big data, and the EU-funded KConnect project on technology for analysing medical text. He is author or co-author of over 170 publications in refereed journals and refereed international conferences. He contributes to research and innovation strategy development in Austria and Europe, and regularly gives talks on topics related to his research.


Photo: Sunla Mahn

Günther Tschabuschnig
CIO at ZAMG Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik and President of DIO

Natascha Totzler
Product- & Project-Management, Nexyo

"How to manage Data Governance in an Agile Way"

In order to dive into the topic of "Agile Data Governance",we must first look at the structureof decentralized data ecosystems.Here, the main difference to a centralized data ecosystemis the management, i.e., thegovernance. A centralized system focuses on homogenizingthe structure, whereas adecentralized system aims to structure the heterogeneity.On the one hand, there is the effortto unify things globally, on the other hand, thereis the focus on sub-areas, they are onlymarked in such a way that they are still manageable,comparable and usable.Agile Data Governance builds on the principle of decentralizeddata ecosystems and is thekey to successful implementation.By Agile Data Governance, we mean the most efficientway to establish professional andmeaningful data management in a company. Efficientbecause it takes into account not onlythe technical, but also the organizational aspectsof implementation in a way that preservesresources.

Career Profile: Günther Tschabuschnig

Günther Tschabuschnig holds a Master of Science in Computer Science and a Master of Science in Economics from the Vienna University of Technology. He was awarded the United Nations Award for the Austrian Data Strategy. Tschabuschnig is the CIO at ZAMG Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics and President of DIO- Data Intelligence Offensive Austria . He has been awarded the CIO of the Year 2019 and the CIO of the decade DACH 2020.

Career Profile: Natascha Totzler

Natascha Totzler holds a Master of Science in Project and Process Management from the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, along with a Diploma Programme at ESB Marketing Network.  She is the Information Project Manager at Reed Exhibitions / RX global in Vienna, Austria. Additionally, she holds Product Ownership of Nexyo and she has research projects focused on Agile Data Governance. Lastly, she has co publications within the context of Data Economy.